There is lot of work to be done... names, logos, linking, networking ... not to mention filling the site and blog with useful content.
My first task is reviewing Web 2.0 and Andriod apps. The testing will be done on Android tablets/phones and will focus on the usability and practicality of actually using them in an educational setting, not a review of the app itself, but how well will this actually work. For example, will Aviary actually work on an Android tablet for image editing? How easy will it be to create a Glogster or an Animoto? Can teachers actually use Engrade on a tablet? Things like this.
After a threshold of reviews are complete, I'll launch and start to reach out and market the site/myself. I hope then to build a community of teachers/schools that use Android tablets.
I also will be including a section on adoption and deployment of Andoid tablets in schools. Hopefully I'll get a few people to notice what I'm doing and that all of this will help me professionally.
- Twitter @eddroid was already taken by someone a long time ago and has nothing to do with either education or Android. I decided to go with a new Twitter account as me as opposed to drguru - get my name out there. I'll also use my real G+ account as well.
- When I've got enough content to put the site out there I'll be using #eddroid tags on Twitter (@CPSiegmann) and G+ (Curtis Siegmann).
- Do I need to do Facebook too? I've been trying to avoid it for as long as I can.
- eddroid.com is already taken by some software company. The home page doesn't even go to their site but is a mostly vacant site where the menu links don't go anywhere and a thing to click on that says "Make a Free Small Business Website". This link actually takes you to the business site. The real site is actually webs.com and seems pretty active and current based on 28,000 Twitter followers. I'll be watching the domain expiry date of eddroid.com to see if it comes available.
- I decided to take eddroid.blogspot.com, for the blog portion. Not a bad place for the name.
- The main site is eddroid.thesiegmanns.com. a domain I own.
BONUS POINTS: Be the first to comment if you understand my EdDroid logo.
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